A Safe Person is someone who is accountable, respects personal boundaries and doesn’t ask to keep secrets from others. Speaking to a safe adult can help a child feel listened to, protected and safe. It is very important for children to know who to call in case of an emergency, if they feel uncomfortable or if they are in danger. It is recommended that children identify at least five adults whom they can trust and who they could reach in these kind of situations.
Feeling unsafe is hard to verbalize, even for adults. That is why we recommend you to talk with your child about how is to feel ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’. Discuss times when your child might feel ‘unsafe’, for example near a growling dog; or ‘safe’, like when snuggled up on the couch reading a book with you. Children need to understand the different emotions that come with feeling ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’. For example, when feeling ‘safe’, they may feel happy and have a warm feeling inside; when feeling ‘unsafe’ they may feel scared and have a sick feeling in their tummy. Help them to verbalize these feelings so it is easier for them to express their feelings if they are in any way abused.
To learn more about how to identify a Safe Person click HERE
To learn more about how to identify a Safe Person click HERE